Born in 1939 after a childhood marked by the second World War and numerous losses in her family—who had to flee several times from bombings and invasions—Christine Zohner painted for a big part of her life.
Geboren 1939 in Leipzig, als 2. von 3 Töchtern des Arztes Dr. Franz Hedke und seiner Ehefrau Gertrud. 1943 Übersiedelung nach Schlesien wegen des Verlustes der Wohnung durch Bombenschaden. 1944 Tod des Vaters in Hamburg, 1945 Flucht von Schlesien nach Bayern. Schulzeit und Jugend in Ingolstadt, Studium der Medizin in München, Hochzeit mit Siegfried Zohner, Student der Kunstgeschichte. Geburt zweier Söhne, früher Tod des Ehemannes. Weiterbildung und Tätigkeit als Fachärztin für psychotherapeutische Medizin.
Studium der Malerei bei Prof. Jacobo Borges, Prof. Jo Bukowski, Prof. Jerry Zeniuk.
Ausstellungen in Deutschland und in der Schweiz.
Christine Zohner lebt und arbeitet in München.
Christine's work recreates the vision of man and his destiny. This is done through fragments that explode and reproduce themselves, again and again, rebuilding and reconstructing themselves as people.... trees. Then they break apart again into unrecognizable pieces that float in space.
When we meet Christine’s paintings, we know, that there is no end to the story.
Through the years, her paintings have been reconstructing themselves like in a mother’s labour, finding new ways step by step, leading us to new fragments, to new empty spaces.
Then we arrive at a hollow land or an empty space of absolute loneliness.
There, everything will begin from zero again.
Nevertheless we are confident: Christine will find a route to new shapes, new signs, new spaces, to the creation of a new order of significance. And once again Christine’s art will allow us to understand or recreate this universe, visible and invisible, as true art has always done.
Jacobo Borges, New York
Christine Zohner | christine.zohner.com | christine@zohner.com